RECRUIT: Partnership for Impact
A program designed to help Canadian global partners find volunteers and employees to join their ventures, accelerate global impact, or serve in local community endeavours. We desire to advance the good influence that our partners are committed to achieving.
Benefits of the RECRUIT Connection
Access to Diverse Talent
By connecting with us, partners may gain access to quality Canadian personnel with a diverse range of education, skill sets and innovative ideas desiring to serve as volunteers or gain employment, advancing the partner’s organizational goals.
Cultural Exchange
Through engagement with volunteers or employees, partners may gain personnel with helpful skills in new ways of thinking, problem-solving, strategy, and creative innovation.
Advancing Good
We desire to see positive impact in global communities. By partnering together, we communicate our shared passion to make a tangible difference in those communities.
Interested in partnership?
If you desire to influence your context through the contributions of Canadian professionals and students, click below.